BlueEyes Technology
Blueeyes Montage (Film Editing Software)
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Copyright 2015 BlueEyes Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.
BlueEyes Technology Corp.
Add: 7F-3, No.200, Sec. 4, Wenxin Rd., North District,
Taichung City 40462, Taiwan
TEL: 886 4 2297 0977 / 886 982 842 977
Fax: 886 4 2297 0957
BlueEyes Technology
1. Preparation work .......................................................................................................... 5
1.1 What is lossless editing?.................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Composition ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Computer Level ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Structure ............................................................................................................................................ 7
2. Software Installation ..................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Notice ................................................................................................................................................ 8
2.2 Put in the Disk ................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Turn off the Users Account Control (UAC) ........................................................................................ 8
2.4 Install MKV Filter ............................................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Install Montage Software .................................................................................................................. 9
2.6 Open Montage Software ................................................................................................................... 9
3. Trial version .................................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Limitation ........................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Instructions ........................................................................................................................................ 9
4. Splitting and Merging .................................................................................................. 10
4.1 Operating interface ......................................................................................................................... 10
4.1.1 Interface................................................................................................................................................. 10
4.1.2 Toolbar ................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.1.3 Video Interface ...................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.4 Video Editing .......................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.5 Video Output ......................................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Instruction ....................................................................................................................................... 18
4.2.1 Open Video ............................................................................................................................................ 18
4.2.2 Tag .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.2.3 Output ................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Time estimates (Split/Merge) .......................................................................................................... 25
4.3.1 Open video time (Split/Merge).............................................................................................................. 25
4.3.2 Output video time (Split/Merge) ........................................................................................................... 25
4.4. Procedure to edit the SES videos ................................................................................................... 25
4.4.1 Step 1Copy Video ......................................................................................................................... 25
BlueEyes Technology
4.4.2 Step 2Edit the video ..................................................................................................................... 25
4.4.3 Step 3Copy to D Disk .................................................................................................................... 25
4.4.4 Step 4Input Data ........................................................................................................................... 26
4.5. Procedure to edit the FL videos ..................................................................................................... 26
4.5.1 Step 1Set up Network drive .......................................................................................................... 26
4.5.2 Step 2Open Video ......................................................................................................................... 26
4.5.3 Step 3Video editing ...................................................................................................................... 26
4.5.4 Step 4Video output ...................................................................................................................... 26
4.5.5 Have many STB ...................................................................................................................................... 26
5. Mixing iFollow Videos ................................................................................................. 27
5.1 Operating Interface ......................................................................................................................... 27
5.1.1 Interface................................................................................................................................................. 28
5.1.2 Toolbar ................................................................................................................................................... 28
5.1.3 Video Interface ...................................................................................................................................... 30
5.1.4 Video Editing Interface .......................................................................................................................... 31
5.1.5 Video Output Interface .......................................................................................................................... 34
5.2 Instruction ....................................................................................................................................... 35
5.2.1 Open Video ............................................................................................................................................ 35
5.2.2 Tag .......................................................................................................................................................... 36
5.2.3 Output ................................................................................................................................................... 36
5.3 Time estimates (iFollow) ................................................................................................................. 36
5.3.1 Open video time (iFollow) ..................................................................................................................... 37
5.3.2 Output video time (iFollow) .................................................................................................................. 37
5.4 Procedure of iFollow ....................................................................................................................... 37
5.4.1 Step 1Class begin .......................................................................................................................... 37
5.4.2 Step 2Class over ............................................................................................................................ 38
5.4.3 Step 3Open ................................................................................................................................... 38
5.4.4 Step 4Open Video ......................................................................................................................... 38
5.4.5 Step 5Mixing iFollow Video .......................................................................................................... 38
5.4.6 Step 6Output ................................................................................................................................ 39
5.5 Procedure for iFollow over 3 cameras ............................................................................................. 39
5.5.1 Step 1Edit videos of camera 1~3 .................................................................................................. 39
5.5.2 Step 2Output to a new video ....................................................................................................... 39
5.5.3 Step 3Second mixing iFollow video .............................................................................................. 39
BlueEyes Technology
5.5.4 Step 4Select scene of camera 4 .................................................................................................... 39
5.5.5 Step 5Output the edit result......................................................................................................... 39
5.6 Tips for mixing iFollow Video .......................................................................................................... 40
6. Chapter Editing ........................................................................................................... 41
6.1 Operating Interface ......................................................................................................................... 41
6.1.1 Interface................................................................................................................................................. 42
6.1.2 Toolbar ................................................................................................................................................... 42
6.1.3 Video Interface ...................................................................................................................................... 44
6.1.4 Chapter Interface ................................................................................................................................... 45
6.1.5 Video Output Interface .......................................................................................................................... 46
6.2 Instruction ....................................................................................................................................... 46
6.2.1 Open Video ............................................................................................................................................ 46
6.2.2 Tag .......................................................................................................................................................... 46
6.2.3 Output ................................................................................................................................................... 47
6.3 Time estimates (Chapter editing) .................................................................................................... 47
6.3.1 Open Video Time (Chapter Editing) ....................................................................................................... 47
6.3.2 Video Output Time (Chapter Editing) .................................................................................................... 48
6.4. Procedure of Editing Chapters of SES Videos ................................................................................. 48
6.4.1 Step 1Take out the video .............................................................................................................. 48
6.4.2 Step 2Edit chapters ....................................................................................................................... 48
6.4.3 Step 3Copy to disk drive D ............................................................................................................ 48
6.4.4 Step 4Input data ........................................................................................................................... 48
6.5. Procedure of Editing Chapters of FL Videos ................................................................................... 49
6.5.1 Step 1Set up Network drive .......................................................................................................... 49
6.5.2 Step 2Open the video ................................................................................................................... 49
6.5.3 Step 3Edit video chapters ............................................................................................................. 49
6.5.4 Step 4Output Video ...................................................................................................................... 49
7. Q&A ............................................................................................................................ 50
Q1If USB Key lost, can I have a new one? ..................................................................................... 50
Q2Can I install on WIN XP? ............................................................................................................ 50
Q3Close User Account Control (UAC). ........................................................................................... 50
Q4The problem of video flicker. .................................................................................................... 50
BlueEyes Technology
1. Preparation work
1.1 What is lossless editing?
Most of the editing software on the market would damage the film while editing. The quality of
the edited film is worse than the original one as the film was compressed during editing.
BuleEyes Technology can do the lossless editing, no matter how many times you split and join
the film, it would not influence the quality. BlueEyes team develop the lossless editing software
1.2 Composition
Montage is composed with three parts: splitting/ merging, mixing iFollow video and chapter
BlueEyes Technology
1.3 Computer Level
As the picture shown, when you are editing, you must prepare a higher level PC. It can save lots
of your time especially when you have the PC with fast CPU and large memory.
PC Level Recommended:
Central Processing Unit(CPU): Intel Core i7
Memory: 8GB RAM
Hard Disk: SATA III 2TB(Revolutions 7200rpm)
Independent Video Card: 2GB RAM
DVD player
Operating System: original Microsoft Windows 7/8 Professional 64-bit
Monitor: over 1920x1080 pixel resolution
BlueEyes Technology
1.4 Structure
BlueEyes Technology
2. Software Installation
Please prepare another computer to edit the film. Do not use PC for SES system. If
edit and record at the same time, the hard disk would become too busy and influence
the quality of editing and recording.
2.1 Notice
Please prepare another computer to edit the film. Do not use PC for SES system. If
edit and record at the same time, the hard disk would become too busy and
influence the quality of editing and recording.
Caution! If you use iCam (MP4) or SES 1.0, you cannot use Montage.
To make the installation and usage more convenient, please turn the UAC user’s
account control of the operating system.
1. Enter to the control panel, click User Accounts and Family Safety.
2. Then click Users Account
3. Find the Change User Account Control Settings, click enter.
4. Slide the cursor to no notice, then click OK. It would notice you to enter
the password or confirm, please enter the password or correct
information. You need to restart the computer then you can turn the UAC
2.2 Put in the Disk
Please put the install disk in PC.
2.3 Turn off the Users Account Control (UAC)
Turn the UAC off. Please double click the DisableUAC-Win7.reg in 00_UAC of the disk. Apply
the setting then restart the computer.
2.4 Install MKV Filter
BlueEyes Technology
To install MKV Filter, please double click the MatroskaSplitter.exe in 01_MKVFilter.
2.5 Install Montage Software
To install the software, please double click the Montage Setup.exe in 02_inatall file.
2.6 Open Montage Software
USB key insert to ComputerOpen Montage
Please adjust the computer monitor to over 1440x900 resolution to open the software. If the resolution is
too low, it may cause infelicitous typesetting.
The computer must insert USB key to open Montage.
3. Trial version
3.1 Limitation
Trial version work without USB key. However, it has 2 limitation.
1. The limit of the trial version is one hour for each time.
2. You can online input the video within 15 minutes.
3.2 Instructions
The usage of the trial and the official version is the same.
BlueEyes Technology
4. Splitting and Merging
4.1 Operating interface
4.1.1 Interface
The interface of splitting and merging the film is composed with 6 parts: toolbar, video 1
interface, video 2 interface, video 2 edit interface, and video output.
BlueEyes Technology
Video interfaces 1, 2
Video controlling and editing interface 1, 2
video output
4.1.2 Toolbar
Including Video, Output, and Help.
A. Video
Including Open Video 1, Close Video 1, Open Video 2, Close Video 2, Open, Save as, and
BlueEyes Technology
After saving the edited file, you can open the project again to edit, so you don’t
have to re-edit.
Save the edited file
Open and close of the video are also in the video editing interface.
B. Output
The Output includes Merge/Split all videos, Merge/Split Video 1, Merge/Split Video 2.
If you didn’t mark the edit section (timeline is empty), you can’t merge or split the film,
C. Help
Help includes language, manual and about.
BlueEyes Technology
You can change to English, traditional Chinese, and simplified Chinese.
You can read the manual of the software.
If you have any problem of the software, there are some ways to contact us.
4.1.3 Video Interface
Open video 1/2, you can see video 1/2 in the video interface.
4.1.4 Video Editing
The video editing is composed with video information, editing list, sections, timeline, and output.
BlueEyes Technology
A. Video information
Video information includes Open, Close, File name, Folder, Resolution, Format, Time, and
Open one video
Close one video
File name
Show the file name of the video
The format is [lesson] [chapter] [teacher] [class] [class begin date] [class
begin time] [class over date] [class over time].mkv
Show the folder of the video file
Video Resolution
The compressed format of the video and audio
Video length (hour; minute; second; millisecond)
Size of the file
BlueEyes Technology
B. Editing List
Editing list includes editing information, fill left, fill right, and delete.
Marked section
Show the number of the sections, video length(hour; minute; second;
Select start time
Select end time
Select the time length of the video
Select the section you want to delete
After selecting the section, adjust forward the start time or the end time.
After selecting the section, adjust backward the start time or the end time.
Fill Left
Fill left the selected film
Fill Right
Fill right the selected film
C. Split
Choose the time of section to split the video. After clicking “split,” you will see the timeline with
split sections.
BlueEyes Technology
Section length should be at least 10mins to the most 240mins, and 10min for
D. Review Video
You can review the video for seconds earlier from the editing section.
The range of the review section length is at least 5sec to at most 60sec.
The review section is only for splitting the section.
E. Timeline section editing
You can merge the selected sections to one film or split into several ones according to the time
sections you need.
Sound on/off
Playing backward
Paly forward
Start playing or pause
Adjust playing speed(Speed up:x1, x1.2, x1.5, 1.7, x2, x3, x4, x8;
Speed down: x1/2, x1/4, x1/8)
Tag start
Tag start time
BlueEyes Technology
Tag end
Tag end time
Select all
Select all video
Delete all
Delete all selected section
Merge the selected sections into one video
Split the selected sections into several videos
When speeding up and slowing down the video, you would not hear the sound.
F. Project (.tag file)
Save the edit video as project (.tag file), and open the project to edit again.
Project (.tag file) is made from the position of the file. If you move the file, you cannot
edit the project.
4.1.5 Video Output
Click <Merge> or <Split> to output the video after editing.
BlueEyes Technology
Output video number
Output video format
Video 1 or Video 2
Video 1 or Video 2
Several, depend on
the sections
Merge all
Video 1 + Video 2
Split all
Video 1 + Video 2
Several, depend on
the sections
4.2 Instruction
4.2.1 Open Video
There are two methods to open the video
[Method 1] Click <Video> <Open Video1> or <Open Video2>
[Method 2] Click <Open> in video 1 or video 2
The video should be longer than 3 minutes when splitting and merging the film in
BlueEyes Technology
4.2.2 Tag
Tag the section of the editing video
Method 1: Use <Tag Start > and <Tag Split> in the editing interface.
Method 2: Use <Tag Start > and <Tag Split> in the editing timeline. Also, you can drag the
section (from right to left) in the timeline.
Usage of timeline:
Preselect the section from
right to left
You can edit the preselect section
Preselect finish
The content for output
Delete the section from left
to right
Delete the edit film
Merge over two sections
Merge over two sections
4.2.3 Output
Split or merge the selected sections into new video
BlueEyes Technology
One film
Select [Merge] to merge the selected sections into one video
Select [Split] to split the selected sections into several videos
All videos
Select [Merge all] to merge the selected sections in all videos
into one video
Select [Split all] to split the selected sections in all videos into
several videos
A. Splitting
Split the selected sections into several videos
Splitting for one video
Method 1: Click <output> <Split Video 1> or <Split Video 2>
Method 2: Click <split> in the timeline
BlueEyes Technology
When output the split video, the system would automatically give a file name according to the
original file. The users cannot name it themselves, but can only choose the output folder.
Split all videos
Method 1: click <output> <split all videos>
Method 2: Click <Split all> on the right-bottom corner of the interface.
When output the split video, the system would automatically give a file name according to the
original file. The users cannot name it themselves, but can only choose the output folder.
BlueEyes Technology
B. Merge
Merge is to combine the selected sections into one new video.
Merge one video
[Method 1] click <output> <Merge video 1> or <Merge video 2>
[Method 2] click <Merge> on the right-bottom corner of the timeline
When output the merge video, the file name would be [lesson] [chapter] [teacher] [class] [class
begin date] [class begin time] [class over date] [class over time].mkv
Users can change the file name and output folder by themselves.
BlueEyes Technology
Merge all videos
Method 1: click <output> <merge all videos>
Method 2: click <merge all > on the left-bottom corner of the interface
When output the merge all video, the file name would be [lesson] [chapter] [teacher] [class]
[class begin date] [class begin time] [class over date] [class over time].mkv
Users can change the file name and output folder by themselves.
BlueEyes Technology
Edit file name and Select output file
Edit file name
Select output file
Merge all
Spilt all
BlueEyes Technology
4.3 Time estimates (Split/Merge)
The estimate time of open and output the video when using Montage (rough estimate)
4.3.1 Open video time (Split/Merge)
The time to open the video when using Montage:
Video length
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
Input analysis time
20 sec
35 sec
45 sec
60 sec
* Minimum H/W requirements: Intel Core i7 CPU, 8GB RAM, Windows 7 64bit
4.3.2 Output video time (Split/Merge)
The time to output the edited video when using Montage:
Video length
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
Output tome
40 sec
2 min 35 sec
4 min10 sec
5 min20 sec
* Minimum H/W requirements: Intel Core i7 CPU, 8GB RAM, Windows 7 64bit
4.4. Procedure to edit the SES videos
Prepare a computer and install Montage to edit SES video. You need USB to copy the video
from SES to the computer with Montage to edit.
4.4.1 Step 1Copy Video
Insert USB to SES, and copy the video to USB.
4.4.2 Step 2Edit the video
Insert the USB to the computer which is install Montage software, and open Montage to do the
editing. After editing, copy the video to USB.
4.4.3 Step 3Copy to D Disk
Insert the USB back to SES PC, and add a new folder called [Input]. Then copy the file to the
BlueEyes Technology
4.4.4 Step 4Input Data
Click <input video> in <video>, then input the file in [Input] to SES.
4.5. Procedure to edit the FL videos
Prepare a computer and install Montage to edit FL video. You need USB to copy the video from
FL to the computer with Montage to edit.
4.5.1 Step 1Set up Network drive
Click [start] [implement] and enter the FL IP address in start blank, the preset is
file:// Then enter the account (admin) and password of FL.
4.5.2 Step 2Open Video
Open video file at FL
4.5.3 Step 3Video editing
Edit videos by Montage
4.5.4 Step 4Video output
Set upinputfile folder at FL (file name can modify). The video after editing will output to this
folder directly.
4.5.5 Have many STB
If you have many STB, or use Montage very often, saving the files with FL through Network
Neighborhood may speed down the speed. We advise you to alleviate FL’s burden.
Set the SES to automatically upload to PC with Montage (network drive)
Upload the edited video to FL through FileZilla
Transferspeed limitconfiguration, upload setting 3000KiB, and limit upload
BlueEyes Technology
5. Mixing iFollow Videos
5.1 Operating Interface
BlueEyes Technology
Video interface
Video control and edit interface
List of video edit section, passive screenshot
5.1.1 Interface
The interface of mixing iFollow video includes toolbar, video interface1, 2, 3, video editing
interface, and video output interface.
5.1.2 Toolbar
A. Video
Video includes open video, close video, open, save as, and close.
BlueEyes Technology
You can choose one or many videos to open at the same time.
Close all the videos.
After saving the video file, you can open the file to re-edit.
You can save the video file
Close Montage.
B. Output
Include the file of output video.
Output: output the edited video to a new file.
C. Language
Choose the language you want, such as tradition Chinese, simplified Chinese, or English.
Modify to Traditional Chinese interface.
BlueEyes Technology
Modify to Simplified Chinese interface.
D. Instruction
Include manual and about.
Manual of Montage
Company information, including website, telephone, fax, address, service hour,
email, and version.
5.1.3 Video Interface
Including video 1~3, open, close, file information, audio, item, play scene.
Open the file, from left to right
Open the video file you want to edit, you can only choose one file.
Close the video
BlueEyes Technology
File information
Indicate file name, item, resolution, video format, file size, video length,
establish time
Sound on/off
open the folder position
Playing scene
Indicate playing scene 1, 2, 3
5.1.4 Video Editing Interface
Include play controls, section adjust, section select, and edit.
A. Play Control
Include play, pause, stop, one second left, one second right, speed up, and speed down.
Start playing the video, (Hotkey: space)
Pause the video, (Hotkey: space)
Back to the video folder and replay
one second left
Forward one second to the left
BlueEyes Technology
one second right
Forward one second to the right
Speed up
Speed up the video (x1.2x1.5x1.7x2x3x4x8) ,(Hotkey:
Speed down
Speed down the video (x2x3x4x8) , (Hotkey: -)
Speed switch
Hotkey: F1(x1) F2(x2)F3(x3)F4(x4)F8(x8)
When speed up the video (x2x3x4x8) or speed down the video (x2x3x4
x8), you would not hear the sound.
B. Section Adjust
Adjust the start and end time of single section.
Adjust the start time left or right
Adjust the end time left or right
Last video section
Next video section
C. Section Select
Change the section scene 1, 2, 3 or cancel the scene
BlueEyes Technology
D. Edit
Includes video editing 1, 2, 3, cut-off point, clear all, adjust the section to the left, restore, adjust
the section to the right.
Select video 1 section
Select video 2 section
Select video 3 section
Select neither of the 1, 2, 3 sections
Clear all
Clear all edit section
Adjust the section to the left
Restore to default
Adjust the section to the right
D. Project (.tag file)
Save the edit video as project (.tag file), and open the project to edit again.
BlueEyes Technology
Project (.tag file) is made from the position of the file. If you move the file, you cannot
edit the project.
5.1.5 Video Output Interface
Include output, output screenshot, and list
<Output> after editing the video, output to a new video.
Output screenshotpreview output screen shot
ListEvery video section, including start time, end time, video scene, number of the sections,
and output time.
BlueEyes Technology
5.2 Instruction
5.2.1 Open Video
Method of opening the video:
Method 1
Click open video 1, 2, 3. One video for each time.
Method 2
Click <open video> in toolbar. You can choose one or many videos and open at the same time.
BlueEyes Technology
5.2.2 Tag
Method of tagging the video:
Method 1
Click the video scene directly. When click video 1, then tag video 1 section. It would show a red
frame on the playing scene.
Method 2
Drag the sections on the editing scene
5.2.3 Output
After editing, click <output> to output the video. The output video would be in the folder of the
original one.
5.3 Time estimates (iFollow)
BlueEyes Technology
The estimate time of open and output the video when using Montage (rough estimate)
5.3.1 Open video time (iFollow)
The time to open the video when using Montage:
Video length
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
Input analysis time
20 sec
35 sec
50 sec
65 sec
* Minimum H/W requirements: Intel Core i7 CPU, 8GB RAM, Windows 7 64bit
5.3.2 Output video time (iFollow)
The time to output the edited video when using Montage:
Video length
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
Input analysis time
1 min 25 sec
3 min
4 min 35 sec
5 min 50 sec
* Minimum H/W requirements: Intel Core i7 CPU, 8GB RAM, Windows 7 64bit
5.4 Procedure of iFollow
5.4.1 Step 1Class begin
Method 1
To set [Group], go to the <setting> in the iCam, then choose the cameras in one group. Click
<group> when recording, and start recording.
You can set the group name and divide the cameras into three groups.
BlueEyes Technology
Click <Group> to record. The camera in the same group would record at the same time.
Method 2:
To set the [Timetable], go to the <timetable> and set the schedule of class. It would
automatically record at the time.
5.4.2 Step 2Class over
Method 1:
Set the [Group] first, click the <Group > to stop recording.
Method 2:
Set the [Timetable] and the iFollow camera would stop recording automatically.
5.4.3 Step 3Open
Insert the USB key of Montage and select <mixing iFollow videos> then edit.
5.4.4 Step 4Open Video
Open the video you want to edit. (Read 5.2.1 Open Video)
5.4.5 Step 5Mixing iFollow Video
Use tag to tag the output section.
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5.4.6 Step 6Output
After selecting the file, click <output> to output the video. The output video would be in the
original folder.
5.5 Procedure for iFollow over 3 cameras
The procedure of Montage when using over 3 cameras of iFollow:
Suppose there are four cameras
5.5.1 Step 1Edit videos of camera 1~3
Open the videos of camera 1~3, and edit the scene of 1~3. If the teacher doesn’t show up in the
scene 1~3, choose one from video 1~3.
5.5.2 Step 2Output to a new video
After editing video 1~3, output to a new video first.
5.5.3 Step 3Second mixing iFollow video
Open a new video, and open video 4.
5.5.4 Step 4Select scene of camera 4
Replace the scene without teacher with the scene of video 4.
5.5.5 Step 5Output the edit result
Output the video again, and finish the file.
When editing the video over three cameras for the first time, you can’t use cut-off
BlueEyes Technology
5.6 Tips for mixing iFollow Video
Press number key 1 to tag the scene of camera 1; press two to tag the scene of
camera 2; press three to tag the scene of camera 3.
Press number key 0 to tag cut-off point.
Mix the iFollow video according to the scene with teacher.
BlueEyes Technology
6. Chapter Editing
6.1 Operating Interface
BlueEyes Technology
Video Interface
Chapter Interface
6.1.1 Interface
The chapter interface includes toolbar, video interface, chapter interface, and video output
6.1.2 Toolbar
A. Video
Include open, save as, and close.
B. Edit
BlueEyes Technology
Include play, move left, move right, mute, volume up, volume down, speed up, speed down,
chapter setting, clear all chapters, last chapter, and next chapter.
Move left
Move right
Speed up
Speed down
Chapter Setting
Clear all Chapters
Last Chapter
Next Chapter
C. Language
Change into Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and English.
BlueEyes Technology
D. Instruction
Include manual and about.
6.1.3 Video Interface
The video interface include play, pause, stop, one second to the left, one second to the right,
speed down, speed up, and sound on/off.
Start playing the video
Pause the video
Stop playing and go back to the beginning of the video
One second to the left
Forward one second to the left
One second to the right
Forward one second to the right
Speed down
Speed down the video (x1/2, x1/4, x1/8)
Speed up
Speed up the video (x1.2x1.5x1.7x2x3x4x8)
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Sound on/off
Adjust the volume and mute
Caution! When speeding up and slowing down the video, you would not hear the
6.1.4 Chapter Interface
Select the time and click <chapter setting> to make every point a chapter.
The chapter list shows all the chapter information. You can adjust to the left or right, change the
chapter name, delete one chapter, clear all chapters, and show the number of the chapters.
Chapter setting
Select the time of each the section and split them with a click.
Delete chapter
Delete one chapter
Adjust to the left
Adjust the time of the chapter to the left (reduce)
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Adjust to the right
Adjust the time of the chapter to the right (gain)
Clear all chapters
Clear all chapters, re-edit the video
Chapter name
Customize the chapter name
6.1.5 Video Output Interface
Click <save as> to save the video after editing.
6.2 Instruction
6.2.1 Open Video
Click open video
6.2.2 Tag
Select the time point and click <chapter setting> to split to each chapter.
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6.2.3 Output
Click <save as> to save the video after editing.
6.3 Time estimates (Chapter editing)
The estimate time of open and output the video when using Montage (rough estimate)
6.3.1 Open Video Time (Chapter Editing)
The time to open the video when using Montage:
Video length
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
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Input analysis time
20 sec
35 sec
50 sec
60 sec
* Minimum H/W requirementsIntel Core i7 CPU, 8GB RAM, Windows 7 64bit
6.3.2 Video Output Time (Chapter Editing)
The time to output the edited video when using Montage:
Video length
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
Input analysis time
35 sec
1 min 25 sec
2 min 10 sec
2 min 55 sec
* Minimum H/W requirementsIntel Core i7 CPU, 8GB RAM, Windows 7 64bit
6.4. Procedure of Editing Chapters of SES Videos
Prepare a computer and install Montage to edit SES video. You need USB to copy the video
from SES to the computer with Montage to edit.
6.4.1 Step 1Take out the video
Insert the USB to SES PC, then copy the video to the USB.
6.4.2 Step 2Edit chapters
Insert the USB to the computer with Montage, and open the montage to edit chapters, then
copy the edited file to the USB.
6.4.3 Step 3Copy to disk drive D
Insert the USB back to SES PC, and add a new folder [Input] in disk drive D, then copy the to
the folder.
6.4.4 Step 4Input data
Click <Input video> in the <Video> and input the videos in [Input] to SES database
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6.5. Procedure of Editing Chapters of FL Videos
Prepare a computer and install Montage to edit FL video. You need USB to copy the video from
FL to the computer with Montage to edit.
6.5.1 Step 1Set up Network drive
Click [start] [implement] and enter the FL IP address in start blank, the preset is
file:// Then enter the account (admin) and password of FL.
6.5.2 Step 2Open the video
Open video file at FL
6.5.3 Step 3Edit video chapters
Edit chapters of videos by Montage
6.5.4 Step 4Output Video
Set upinputfile folder at FL (file name can modify). The video after editing will output to this
folder directly.
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7. Q&A
Q1If USB Key lost, can I have a new one?
Ans Every USB Key is unique! The USB Key will not be reissued if lost. Please
contact us to have a new Montage software.
Q2Can I install on WIN XP?
Ans To make sure the stability while using Montage, please install on Windows 8
Q3Close User Account Control (UAC).
Ans Please turn off the UAC of the operating system. The procedure is as below:
1. Enter control panel, clickUsers account and family security. Then, click
users account
2. Click the Change User’s Account Control Settings below.
3. UACClick “no notice and click OK. If it reminds you to enter the
password or information, please enter the correct password and
information. You need to restart the computer.
Q4The problem of video flicker.
Ans After video output, video appears flickering, please cancel Adaptive contrast
1. Click the right-click and select Graphic content
2. Select Advanced mode
3. Select Image enhancement in Media
4. Uncheck Adaptive contrast enhancement
T h a n k s f o r y o u r r e a d i n g .
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All information in the manual is measured by BlueEyes standard method. If there is any printing
mistake or error in translating, please forgive us. If there are changes on the manual or product design,
we would not inform you. There might be differences between the pictures, term in the manual and
actual products. Please refer only to the actual operation.