BCR Recording Software

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BCR 2.0 Recording Software User Manual

1. Installation

1.1 Product Features

The BCR 2.0 software has the following features:

  • Supports the entire range of BlueEyes network cameras
  • Supports real-time image formats: MJPEG, MP4, H.264
  • Can simultaneously view up to 16 cameras, supporting a maximum 4x4 split mode
  • Provides PTZ control, including up to 20 preset points, zoom, aperture, and optical zoom control
  • Compatible with Windows operating systems, featuring a user-friendly and manageable interface

1.2 Installation Environment

BCR 2.0 software must be installed on Microsoft Windows 10 or 11 operating systems.

1.3 Version Differences

  • Paid version: Fully supports the entire range of BlueEyes cameras.

1.4 Installation Interface

After downloading the BCR 2.0 software, please follow these steps to install:

  1. Open the folder and double-click the Setup(.exe) executable file.
  2. Start the installation wizard and select "Next."
  3. Choose the installation folder (default is C:\Program Files (x86)\BlueEyes Technology\BCR 2), then click "Next."
  4. Confirm the installation settings and click "Next" to begin installation.
  5. After installation is complete, select "Close."

1.5 Running the Program

  1. Click "Start," select "All Programs," and find the BCR 2.0 shortcut under BlueEyes Technology.

1.6 Serial Number Activation

Note: The serial number must be activated with an internet connection for the first time.

  1. After launching the program, a serial number input window will automatically pop up.
  2. Click "Register," enter your serial number, and then click "Online Activate."

Note: If the software version exceeds the serial number's update deadline, registration will not be possible.

1.7 Serial Number Deactivation

  1. Start the program, click the "i" icon, and select "Deactivate" to cancel the registration of the serial number.

2. User Interface

After starting BCR, the user interface is as follows:

2.1 Recording Channel Status Homepage

Displays the status and settings of each recording channel.

2.1.1 Channel Settings

Click settings to enter the channel configuration interface:

  • Camera Settings: Configure the camera name, IP address, port number, model, account, and password.
  • Recording Settings: Choose the recording mode (continuous, manual, or scheduled), and set the storage path, retention period, and DI trigger mechanism.
  • NAS Backup Settings: When enabled, recording files are stored based on the configured directory and file name format. Different directories can be assigned for individual channels.
  • View Recorded Videos: Click on a video to open the recording folder and browse the recorded files.
  • Live View: Click to open the live feed from the camera.

2.1.2 Review Recordings

Click the review recording feature to display the recording review list:

  • Select the channel and date for review.
  • Displays the video folder, playback, and export functions.
  • Click the folder to open the location where recorded files are stored.
  • Click play to play the recorded video.
  • Click export to save the recorded file separately; select export all to save all videos within the specified date.

2.1.3 Logs

Click the logs feature to filter by category: All, Connection, Recording, Live Image, DI, and Deletion.

2.1.4 System Settings

Click the system settings feature to configure the recording retention space for each camera, enable management passwords, and set the recording file segmentation duration.

2.1.5 About

Provides version information, including version number, license count, and update service deadline. You can check for updates, deactivate the serial number, and purchase update services.

3. Frequently Asked Questions (Q&A)

【Question 1】Does the recorded video format support audio?

Answer: The recorded video format is MP4, and it supports audio recording. A new file is generated every 30 minutes for the recordings.

【Question 2】What should I do if the serial number shows that the version exceeds the update deadline and cannot be activated?

Answer: If the version release date corresponding to the serial number exceeds the update deadline, registration will not be possible. The serial number comes with a one-year update service guarantee. If you need to install a new version, please contact BlueEyes Technology at 04-22970977.

【Question 3】How can I transfer the software serial number to another computer?

Answer: Each serial number is limited to activation on one computer. If you need to transfer the serial number, please select "About" in the top menu and click "Deactivate." Once completed, you can re-enter the serial number on another computer to activate it.


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