HMS Client Android App User Manual | Installation Guide | BlueEyes Technology

HMS Client Android App

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HMS Student End User Manual (Android Version)

1. Features and Requirements

1.1 Product Features

HMS Student End allows students to enter their own accounts and passwords to immediately access make-up lessons and learning.
At any time, with a mobile device, students can learn anywhere, anytime.
Students can switch to full-screen mode to watch course videos, click the timeline to fast forward or rewind.
Depending on the learning speed, students can freely adjust fast-forward speed or slow motion.

1.2 System Requirements

The overall software performance may vary depending on hardware specifications.
Requires Android 8.0 or higher.

1.3 Student End Software Download Link

Android version:

Installation and Operation Interface

1 Android Version Installation Process:

Go to the Play Store, search for HMS Student End, and install the app.

2 Android Version Operation Interface

After launching the program, enter the HMS server address, account, and password (please ask the cram school for the correct server address, account, and password).

Click the server icon

After logging in, you can see the list of videos available for playback. If the cram school has made an announcement, an announcement icon (a red bell) will appear at the top right of the interface, along with a sound alert.

Click the announcement icon to view the list of announcements.

In the playlist interface, click the video you want to watch to play it.

After clicking, you

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