Fee Management
Admin Area -> Academic Management -> Fee Management
Provides a platform for creating and managing student fee invoices. Fee invoices can be generated for specific courses or for miscellaneous fees.
- Course Fee Invoices and Payment Management: Course fee invoices are generated based on course start and end dates. If students complete payment at the front desk before the fee deadline, their accounts will automatically be enrolled in the specified course. Accounts that have not completed payment will not be enrolled.
Fee Management
Allows searching and managing all fee records based on invoice number, student account, payment deadline, and payment date.
- Features:
- Create Fee Invoices: Allows setting fee name, invoice title, course start date, course end date, payment deadline, class, linking to class enrollment, and fee items.
- Edit and Delete Invoices: Supports modification and deletion of existing fee invoices.
Fee Parameters
Allows enabling or disabling fee item visibility for students.
Linked Class Records
When "Fee Status Linked to Class" is enabled, this page displays records of students linked to classes after payment.
- Student Fee Payment Process:
- At the front desk, students can access the platform through the website or mobile app, click their account icon, and select the fee invoice section.
- Select the desired invoice and display the barcode.
- Front desk staff scans the barcode to complete the payment process.
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